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Commentary: When you are not what society thinks you are

Related Topics: Miss America, Miss Utah, Instagram

Let me paint a picture. You’ve thought and worked long and hard to understand who you are and what you’ll pursue. Finally able to articulate what makes you tick, they say “Really? I pegged you as a [insert stereotypical phrase here] person.”

When who we are is not what society sees in us, do we give up or proceed? This was my dilemma for the past year.

I became a local titleholder in the Miss America program the weekend college final exams ended in May 2018. Shocked to have the new opportunity, I set three goals to frame my year of service: 1) Create an Instagram to inspire others to do kind acts and reach 1,000 followers; 2) Participate in at least 20 community events; 3) Complete 200 hours of community service.