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Brad Rock: Surprise, LeBron! Sundiata Gaines isn't gone

Related Topics: Sundiata Gaines, Ronnie Price

WEST VALLEY CITY – The shot had gone down, cream smooth and sugar sweet. Sundiata Gaines was on his back looking up, first being mobbed by Jazz teammates, then leaping onto the scorer’s table, arms extended. Ronnie Price was gabbling to anyone who would listen, “Now you know his name!”

LeBron James, still in his first incarnation with the Cleveland Cavaliers, wasn’t sure.

“Who was that guy?” he asked Carlos Boozer.

Almost seven years later, the dreamer is back.

Now 30, Gaines remains a beacon to long shots everywhere. He was signed by the Salt Lake Stars of the NBA’s Developmental League on Monday, playing 30 minutes and scoring 11 points against the Oklahoma City Blue.