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Partey or Aouar: Who do Arsenal need more?

Just to get this out of the way: in an ideal world, Arsenal would love to add both Thomas Partey and Houssem Aouar in this extended transfer window.

However, the financial realities in a pandemic-hit world mean the Gunners, like every other club, have to be thrifty and smart in the market. Without question, acquiring the Olympique Lyon and Atletico Madrid midfielders remain possible, if the North Londoners free up space in the side by selling some of their unwanted or fringe players before October 5’s deadline.

Be that as it may, there’s a strong indication that Mikel Arteta will get at least one more big signing in this transfer window — failure would be disappointing but certainly not disastrous — to bolster his options as Arsenal seek to return where they feel they belong.