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Man Utd warned £200m Haaland may be out of reach as Saha reacts to 'crazy market'

The former Red Devils striker admits big-money deals may not be possible, but says those at Old Trafford have nothing to prove to anybody

Manchester United could be priced out of the race for Erling Haaland, Louis Saha has warned, with the former Red Devils striker seeing the Borussia Dortmund star costing £200 million ($277m) in a "crazy market".

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer expressed interest in a fellow Norwegian before he headed to Germany and remains keen on putting a reunion in place with a prolific presence that he previously worked with at Molde.

A scramble for Haaland is expected to be sparked in 2022, as he will not be sold this summer, but several big-spending sides are ready to join the race for a much sought-after signature and Saha admits a deal at Old Trafford may not be possible.