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Altidore set to reach 100th cap a well-rounded striker and key U.S. leader

More than nine years after his national team debut, Jozy Altidore prepares for his 100th cap serving as one of the U.S. team's most important players.

SAN DIEGO — It has been more than nine years since Jozy Altidore experienced his first U.S. national team cap, long enough to forget some of the details of that special milestone. He hasn't forgotten a single bit of it though, even the parts he would like to forget.

Just 17 at the time of his first U.S. appearance, Altidore had much more go wrong than right during that fateful camp in South Africa in November 2007 — misfortune that brings a smile to his face now when he recollects it as a 27-year-old veteran.