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USWNT U17s somehow beat Cameroon 3-0 in World Cup opener

Starting XI: Angelina Anderson, Smith Hunter, Natalia Staude, Michela Agresti, Makenna Morris, Sophia Jones, Mia Fishel, Maya Doms, Jordan Canniff, Sunshine Fontes, Payton Linnehan

You know how in Buster Keaton movies, he would engineer crazy stunts that looked incredibly ripe for disaster, but would somehow turn out okay? That was pretty much the bulk of the U17 US women’s national team’s opening game against Cameroon at the U17 World Cup, except Keaton pulled off his stunts with extraordinary timing and undoubtedly a lot of preparation. The US managed theirs through a series of mistakes that made it look like someone had wished to a genie that they would win no matter how badly they played.