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USA 2-2 tie with England ends in scramble at SheBelievesCup

Starting XI: Adrianna Franch, Kelley O’Hara, Abby Dahlkemper, Tierna Davidson, Crystal Dunn, Julie Ertz, Mallory Pugh, Rose Lavelle, Tobin Heath, Alex Morgan, Megan Rapinoe

(Side note: if you’re confused by the naming on the jerseys from this game, as part of SheBelieves, USWNT players picked the name of a woman who inspired them to display on their jerseys tonight.)

If you wondered how Jill Ellis might rotate her roster in the second game of SheBelieves, the answer was “not at all.” The only change from their first game against Japan was starting Adrianna Franch in goal, though due to necessity rather than any impulse to give her a cap, as Naeher was listed with a shoulder injury in the lineup notes.