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Daily coronavirus updates: Connecticut has reported more deaths in November than in the four previous months combined; 150 towns now on ‘red alert’ list

After reporting a lower positive test rate for COVID-19 for two days in a row, positivity in Connecticut on Wednesday jumped back up to 6%, along with a significant uptick in coronavirus hospitalizations and deaths.

Hospitalizations increased by 77 on Wednesday, for a total of 968 patients currently in the hospital with COVID-19. The state has not reported such a high number of hospitalizations since May 16.

The number of hospitalized patients is expected to continue to rise for at least several more weeks, before the state reaches the peak of the ongoing second wave.

Jamie Laskow of Tolland greets his daughter as she returns home from college in South Carolina for Thanksgiving.
Jamie Laskow of Tolland greets his daughter as she returns home from college in South Carolina for Thanksgiving.