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Vorm on new Formula 1 season: ‘Since Verstappen started, I’m glued to every race!’

While many of our players enjoy watching other elite sports such as NFL or NBA during their down-time, for long-time car enthusiast Michel, it’s all about the thrills and spills of high-level motor racing.

Our 34-year-old goalkeeper is always glued to his television screen when the cars line up on the grid and the red lights go out, and has been lucky enough to visit the pit lane during the two most recent British Grands Prix at Silverstone, even meeting ace young driver and fellow Dutchman Max Verstappen last summer.

“I’ve followed the sport for a while now, but really when Max Verstappen joined Torro Rosso three years ago as the youngest Formula 1 driver ever, since then I’ve tried to watch every race,” said Michel, who made an outstanding double-save during our FA Cup quarter-final win at Swansea City in our last game before the international break.