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Raptors What Ifs: Butch Carter and the legacy of Tracy McGrady

Related Topics: Butch Carter, Tracy McGrady, What Ifs

In ranking the most controversial Raptors figures named Carter, it would be difficult to place anyone above Vince. In fact, many would have difficulty even naming another Carter in Toronto lore. There is, however, a different, oft-forgotten Carter who stars in his own scandalous tale, shrouded in mystery, having played an instrumental role in one of the largest What Ifs in Raptors history.

Once upon a time, the Raptors employed a coach, Butch Carter, with a shrewd basketball mind. In this tale, he inherited an appalling team and gifted them a magical system. In just two seasons, this coach transformed a collection of inharmonious personnel into a perfectly-tuned, playoff-bound force, for the first time in franchise history.