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Wednesday FTB: Penning a love letter to Fedor Gordeev

Related Topics: Love letter, Stéphane Robidas

When signing up for T25U25 articles, I had a choice between signing up for a “Case For” about Riley Stotts or Fedor Gordeev. I had both picked higher than any other voter, with Stotts at 20 and Gordeev at 19, and both wound up being guys just outside looking in.

In the end I decided to write about Stotts, which will be coming out on Friday, because he’s the hot new thing whereas Gordeev is something of a known quantity around here. That said, I might not have the time to write a full “Case For” about Gordeev but I can at least devote a little love letter to him in the FTB (because what the fuck else am I going to write about in this black hole of hockey news?