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The 2019 OGWAC rankings

OK,u200b kids. Hike upu200b youru200b pantsu200b aroundu200b youru200b armpits,u200b hang anu200b onion from youru200b belt and parku200b youru200b walker over byu200bu200b rotary phone, because it’s time for the annual OGWAC rankings.

For you newbies, an OGWAC is that beloved species of hockey player whose story everyone loves to hear during the playoffs: the Old Guy Without a Cup. He’s the grizzled veteran who’s been around forever and has probably come agonizingly close a time or two, but he doesn’t have a ring and he’s running out of time. Everyone’s rooting for him, and if his team does win it all, he usually gets the honor of being the first in line for the Cup handoff.