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StickerYou Opens Bricks and Mortar Store on Queen

Related Topics: StickerYou, Toronto

StickerYou is an ecommerce company. Yes, they're headquartered here in Toronto, but when you utilize their services you head over to That's where you can create custom stickers for your home or business. If you're a Toronto Mike'd listener, you already know this, because StickerYou are proud sponsors.

When they announced the launch of the world's largest sticker store right here in my backyard at 677 Queen Street West, I was very curious to see it with my own eyes. Here's the claim made in the press release.

StickerYou: The Store will feature a unique, 3-storey high stickerbombed design on the storefront, installed in collaboration with applied sciences giant 3M, a stickerbombed interior, a custom experience center where customers can touch and feel stickers and be inspired by unique use-cases, kiosks in which to place personalized orders on the spot, as well as a sticker art museum that showcases the history of stickers through the ages.