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FTB: We’re betting a lot of our cash on sports now

How much are you gambling on sports? Ontario’s agency in charge of controlling the new public gambling operators market reported yesterday that $4 billion Canadian Dollars worth of wagers were placed in the period of their first ever quarterly report, which covers Q2 2022 (April 1 to June 30, though the first operator did not launch until April 4).

Note these figures include all online gambling, not only sports betting, so all of those online casinos which you see advertised are included in that sum too. An article from the Financial Post linked below quotes an SME who thinks sports betting accounts only for about 10% of the total, but that’s still $400M of bets placed on sports by Ontario residents in only a three month period (other provinces report their own totals through their own separate agencies), and this was a rather light period with the obvious most-popular sport for betting being football, and Q2 sits totally outside of football season.