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‘Progress’ in Toronto FC’s Pozuelo pursuit

Toronto FC’s pursuit of Spanish attacking midfielder Alejandro Pozuelo is nearing crunch time.

Toronto general manager Ali Curtis and president Bill Manning are back from Belgium after holding talks with Pozuelo’s club, KRC Genk. Curtis returned Saturday while Manning returned Tuesday after meeting twice with Peter Croonen, his Genk counterpart, during a whirlwind one-day trip.

Genku2019s Alejandro Pozuelo is reportedly keen on coming to Toronto FC, but those two clubs would need to come together on the timing of the transfer in order for that to happen.
Genk’s Alejandro Pozuelo is reportedly keen on coming to Toronto FC, but those two clubs would need to come together on the timing of the transfer in order for that to happen.

“I thought our talks made progress,” Manning said in an interview Saturday.