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Dodgers’ Clayton Kershaw a ‘man without a winter’

The Los Angeles Dodgers are filled with national treasures.

Like broadcaster Vin Scully, who retires at the end of this season, his 67th.

Like Jaime Jarrín, Spanish language voice of the Dodgers, in his 58th year.

And Clayton Kershaw, a left-handed stud hoss going for his fourth Cy Young award in six seasons.

How good is Kershaw?

“He’s the closest thing to Sandy Koufax that they have had,” said Jarrin Saturday afternoon. “He’s not there yet, but he’s close. He is a very hard worker. He is a man without a winter.”

Jarrin began broadcasting Dodgers games in 1959 — the fifth year of Koufax’s 12-year Hall of Fame career.