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Blue Jays: Shapiro determined to stack depth, renovate Dunedin

Mark Shapiro joined Bob McCown and Arash Madani for Prime Time Sports on The Fan 590 last night to discuss a wide range of Blue Jays topics, and the takeaways offer more good than bad.

“Listen. Continue to listen and learn,” Shapiro said when asked what is first on his to-do list as he reiterated his stance that, in the role of president, he intends to act as a facilitator. He also told McCown that the Blue Jays were still actively engaged with teams on the trade market and monitoring the remaining free agents.

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On impending free agents Jose Bautista and Edwin Encarnacion, Shapiro expressed rather passionately the same sentiment we heard from Ross Atkins earlier in the week: that the Blue Jays absolutely want to sign both players.