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When it comes to futility, the Cubs have nothing on Northwestern hoops

You know what’s worse than waiting more than a century between championships? Waiting forever. If you’ve done something once in the last 108 years, well, at least you’ve done it. If you have never done it, you might as well be 0-for-the last 4.5 billion years.

I know the pain of Cubs fans. I lived for a decade in the shadow of Wrigley Field. I have gulped Old Style in the bleachers on floppy hat day. I have had cheez-borgers and chips (“No fries!”) at the Billy Goat Tavern, the epicenter of all Cubs cursehood. I have written two books about Cubs history, and I can rattle off greats from Cap Anson and Grover Cleveland Alexander to Heinie Zimmerman and Carlos Zambrano.