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The Raptors Are New to Tampa’s Basketball Scene. The Titans Aren’t.

Bassel Harfouch was excited when he heard that the Toronto Raptors were relocating to Tampa, Fla., for an indefinite chunk of the N.B.A. season.

“Maybe we can tap into some of the fans that get interested in the Raptors,” Harfouch said, “and kind of tell them, ‘Hey, when they’re gone, we’ll still be here.’”

Harfouch, 27, owns another professional basketball team in the area: the Tampa Bay Titans. He is also their leading scorer. His teammates hold down day jobs — last season’s starting rotation included a car salesman, a financial analyst and a barber — while the team’s general manager, a former outfielder for the Yankees, motivates them with no-nonsense pep talks.