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On Track and Field: Plea for Global Good: Rebid on 2021 Worlds

Related Topics: Lamine Diack

In sports, as in life, there is what you must do and then there is what you should do.

For now, nothing legally obliges Vin Lananna and the leaders of the 2021 world track and field championships in Eugene, Ore., to surrender their prize and re-enter a formal bidding process next year. Their small city remains — paradoxical but true — a fine and bold choice for this major event and the only vehicle available at the moment to bring it to the still-vital United States market.

But in view of the circumstances and in light of track and field’s shattered credibility, handing it back would be a strong signal that the sport is truly serious about embarking on a more transparent path, one in which too much power and influence no longer rests with too few.