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Lance Armstrong whistle-blower tells Peyton Manning sexual assault victim: 'Fight Back Hard'

The controversy over Peyton Manning's alleged sexual harassment of athletic trainer Dr. Jamie Naughright at the University of Tennessee feels like "deja vu all over again" to Betsy Andreu.

A decade ago, she was the female whistle-blower telling the inconvenient truth about another sports hero: seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong.

When she and husband Frankie Andreu testified under oath that Armstrong told cancer doctors in their presence he used illegal performance-enhancing drugs, their testimony was leaked to the media. The couple was hit with "brutal" criticism for daring to accuse the cycling superstar.

MORE: Disgraced athletes: Where they went wrong | Why Peyton Manning is safe

The Andreus were vindicated when Armstrong finally admitted using PED's.