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Half a world away, Olympian Nick Goepper is rooting on his Bengals in the Super Bowl

ZHANGJIAKOU, China — Like all Cincinnati Bengals fans these days, Nick Goepper is feeling a mix of anticipation, nerves, dread and exhilaration as his beloved team prepares to play in the Super Bowl. Unlike any other Bengals fans, Nick is also feeling a mix of anticipation, nerves, dread and exhilaration as he prepares to ski in the Olympics … on the same day as the Super Bowl.

“It’s heartbreaking,” he laughs. “The Super Bowl is the same time as our qualifying for slopestyle!”

Goepper, a two-time Olympic medalist in freeski slopestyle, was raised in Lawrenceburg, Indiana, just west of Cincinnati, so he comes by his Bengals fame honestly.