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From Meme to State Champ: Side-Eye Popeye's Kid Wins New Jersey Football Title

The path to internet stardom can be instantaneous, jarring and, for some, unwanted. That was the case for Dieunerst Collin, who at nine years old was the focal point of a viral video while standing in line at a Popeyes. Collin's side-eye gaze has lived on in internet lore, even if he never wanted to attain internet fame.

"When it first happened, I kind of felt sad about it," Collin said. "It was somebody randomly recording me, and I’ve never been viral before. When it first came out, I would take it as bullying, every time I used to hear ‘Oh, Terio, Terio,’ and that’s not my name … a couple weeks later, I figured out it was me based on the video.