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Ex-NFL WR Santana Moss on Drew Brees: 'How Could You Say That?'

Former New York Jets and Washington Redskins wide receiver Santana Moss criticized New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees for his comments criticizing kneeling during the national anthem to protest racial inequality and police brutality.

Moss made the remarks on the I AM ATHLETE podcast:

"When you think about our ancestors that fought for that same flag, this country, that came back, that was arrested, killed and not given those promises that was given to them before they went out there to fight.

"How could you sit there and say something about your granddads and what they did and we still sitting here today in 2020 after what we just went through these weeks of these killings, how could you sit there and say that if you didn't know then when Colin Kaepernick was doing it, you know now, so how could you say that?