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Cal-Stanford's 'The Play' Is a Peak, 'If Twitter Was Around' Moment: TRAINA THOUGHTS

1. There are many, many legendary plays in sports that we've all seen a million times that live on forever.

The ball going through Bill Buckner's legs in the 1986 World Series, Dwight Clark's catch in the 1981 NFC Championship game, Christian Laettner's shot in the 1992 Elite Eight and Michael Jordan's shot over Craig Ehlo in the 1989 Eastern Conference Finals to name a few.

In addition to plays, there are also certain sports moments that many of us remember and instantly think, "Imagine if Twitter was around for this."

The O.J. Simpson Bronco chase, The Malice at the Palace and Roger Clemens throwing a bat at Mike Piazza are incidents that immediately come to mind as moments that would've broken Twitter.