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Business of Football: Leaked Washington Football Team Emails Show How NFL Sausage Is Made

As I have said often, the NFL is full of drama, intrigue and differing strategies to success. And, oh, by the way, there are games as well.

The games, as I often say, are just the storefront to the business of the NFL; and it’s there where the true action in this league happens. I take you behind the curtain of that intrigue and drama, and sometimes the picture I paint is not the curated one we see on television. It can be political, back-scratching and unseemly. “How the sausage is made” has been on full display the past couple of weeks, with an ongoing saga that appears to have 1) kept an important partner in his job, 2) buried a (now forever former) head coach, 3) protected some at the expense of that coach (and potentially others), and 4) drawn the (negative) attention of fans, media and, now, Congress.