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Did your team ace the 2022 MLB draft? Kiley McDaniel's recap for all 30 teams

Here's my big review of everything that happened in this week's 2022 MLB draft.

There are a few things to know as you read about this year's prospects, how they fit with their new teams and also a little behind the scenes on bigger-picture strategy and stuff I was hearing around the draft:

There was a single-digit number of players I wanted to move after publishing my final list a week or so before the draft. I'll call out those names in the pick analysis. There are also about 60 players who were hovering around the end of the top 300 to be added when/if players pulled their names out of the draft, so I've included them as honorable mentions (HM) and I tossed in a few extras who weren't in that group if I found them of interest for some other reason.