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Beltran: 2017 Astros “crossed the line”

Carlos Beltran, the purported ringleader among the 2017 Houston Astros players in the team’s sign stealing scheme, acknowledged that the team “crossed the line” in its actions in an interview that is set to air tomorrow.

Beltran says, in the transcript excerpts that have been released, that “[l]ooking back today, we were wrong,” but also notes that no one higher up in the organization told them to stop the sign stealing scheme, suggesting that those in charge knew that it was working, and were happy to keep silent and allow it to continue.

Beltran, who retired after the 2017 season, was described in a 2020 article by Ken Rosenthal and Evan Drellich as being instrumental in implementing the plan, saying that as “a highly respected veteran with a Hall-of-Fame resume .