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Why report Tom Herman was with Zach Smith at strip club in 2014 says more about Buckeyes than Longhorns

Update, Thursday 1:34 p.m.: The Columbus Dispatch reported last night that Texas coach Tom Herman was the Ohio State assistant with Zach Smith during a visit to a Miami-area strip club in 2014.

SportsDay Big 12 insider Chuck Carlton addressed the report in his live chat Thursday.

"Ah yes," Carlton said. "Just when you thought everything was pretty much over on the Texas/Tom Herman/Ohio State/Zach Smith/Urban Meyer front, along came the revelation that Herman was the other coach with Smith at a Miami-area strip club in 2014.

"First, it was hard-nosed PR by Ohio State, looked like payback against Herman and also diverted attention from all the other disclosures coming out, Well-played Buckeyes.