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Texas A&M Student Government Called Out by Rick Perry

Related Topics: Rick Perry, Students' union

Rick Perry, the Energy Secretary of the United States, former Texas Governor and Aggie yell leader weighed in on the election process in the Houston Chronicle. Robert McIntosh, who had received the most votes upon the closing of the election, was later disqualified by the Student Government Association Election Commission and Judicial Court.

McIntosh was accused of 14 counts of voter intimidation, of which he would later be cleared of all charges. However, he was disqualified due to a failure to expense glow sticks in a promotion video for his campaign.

Perry didn’t mince words when he weighed in on the outcome of the election:

“In its opinion, the Judicial Court admitted that the charges were minor and technical, but, incredibly, chose to uphold the disqualification, with no consideration given to whether the punishment fit the crime.