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Previewing the 2018 Texas Aggies

Everyone who’s reading this likely knows what has happened in Aggieland recently, but just in case one of you was mostly dead and just managed to recently revive thanks to a miracle pill from Miracle Max,

Sumlin kept fading late in the year but had one more chance to right the ship but in the first game of 2017 the game itself was a microcosm of what Sumin’s seasons tended to look like and sure enough his team faded late again so the Aggies swung for the fences and hired Jimbo Fisher and with that they switched from the spread offense, swaggery style of program building to a more physical and demanding culture led by a no-nonsense coach who rides horses and talks really fast and uses a traditional tight end and I kid you not he goes by the name “Jimbo” which is perfect for a school who had yell leaders named Bubba and Boo Boo in consecutive years back when I was a student and anyway he brought in new coaches and a new attitude and a new playbook so that leaves us about a week to pick a starting quarterback, figure out how to piece together a serviceable offensive line, replace a couple starting defenders that already appear to be injured in fall camp, and find a way to compete with Clemson and Alabama and the rest of the SEC, after we kill Count Rugen.