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Daily Bull 11.27.18: Still Talking About The LSU Game

NephewGate now moves into Day Three and here’s the Dallas Morning News’ Official Timeline Of The Event. New video has surfaced that may actually not be perfectly consistent with the heretofore accepted version of events given by LSU. NO FURTHER QUESTIONS, YOUR HONOR, MOVE TO OWN ALL THESE BITCHES ONLINE. No doubt many of you are waiting for me to apologize for being quick to condemn A&M’s handling of the affair in yesterday’s DB. So, I’m sorry: sorry that I ever doubted the Aggie Internet’s tenacity and willingness to devote so much focus and energy into the nebulous task of breaking down shaky and blurry video footage in an attempt to deflect fault and ensure that both sides acted with equal stupidity, instead of A&M owning the lion’s share of stupidity.