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Daily Bull 11.18.15 - Let The Ageism Begin

I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone for their stories and comments in our post yesterday about Bonfire, and for keeping the spirit of the occasion in mind. The Remembrance Ceremony was last night, and I hoped as many of you as possible attended.

Thank you also for helping again in another attempt by GBH to glean your personal information through voluntary poll participation. We already knew your area code, now we know how old you are (sorta). Bearing in mind that this is not a scale distribution - and that ages are approximate guesses based on things like "not making memories until you're 5 years old" or the laughable "attended A&M for precisely 4 years" - here is what the age of a sampling of GBH readers looks like:

GBH Ages
GBH Ages

Based on these numbers, I am finally ashamed about the language I have used on this site because some of you are too damned young to hear such filth.