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Nick Kyrgios: Tennis star admits assaulting ex-girlfriend but avoids conviction

Related Topics: Nick Kyrgios, Giuseppe Passeri

By Simon Atkinson in Canberra

BBC News

Australian tennis star Nick Kyrgios has admitted assaulting an ex-girlfriend but avoided a criminal conviction.

The 27-year-old's guilty plea in a Canberra court came after his lawyers failed to have the charge dismissed on mental health grounds.

Mr Kyrgios pushed Chiara Passari onto the pavement during a row in Canberra in 2021, the court heard.

The magistrate called the incident "a single act of stupidity or frustration" when sparing him a criminal record.

Agreed facts tendered to the court say Mr Kyrgios pushed Ms Passari after after she stopped his car from driving away while they were arguing on 10 January 2021.