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Kuznetsova cuts own hair on way to win at WTA Finals

Svetlana Kuznetsova hacked off part of her own hair at a changeover as she beat defending champion Agnieszka Radwanska at the WTA Finals.

The 31-year-old Russian, who qualified for the event ahead of Britain's Johanna Konta, cut her ponytail with scissors at the start of the third set.

"It was bothering me a lot. When I was hitting the forehands I hit a good shot and it would hit my eye," she said.

"I thought, 'what's more important? My hair, which can grow, or the match?'"

Svetlana Kuznetsova's hair
Kuznetsova was left clutching a handful of her own hair

Kuznetsova asked the umpire to supply her with a pair of scissors to carry out her impromptu haircut.