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Turns out it can get worse than Dennis Daley

Last year we as fans of the Tennessee Titans spent a lot of time talking about how the team should bench Dennis Daley because “it couldn’t get worse.” Well, it turns out we were wrong. It can get worse in the form of Andre Dillard:

With two sacks allowed in the first two drives, here are some #Titans stats per PFF:

Dennis Daley, 2022: 508 pass block snaps, 12 sacks allowed (1 sack every 42 plays)

Andre Dillard, 2023: 269 pass blocks snaps, 10 sacks allowed (1 sack every 27 plays)— Nick Suss (@nicksuss) November 12, 2023

It’s pretty unbelievable that Dillard has been so bad.