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Owls bond over international influence

During a break in the second set of the Owls’ 3-0 win against Memphis Friday, first-year assistant coach Ren Cefra closed his eyes and sang along with “Somewhere over the Rainbow.”

Temple continued its annual tradition of Hawaiian night at McGonigle Hall—a practice coach Bakeer Ganesharatnam started a few years ago.

“We do it every year,” Ganesharatnam said. “It’s been a long tradition that started with [former player Gabriella Matautia] a couple years ago because she’s from Hawaii, so we started doing Hawaiian night because of her. … It’s a fun event to have every year.”

Seeing the fans with leis around their necks reminded freshman defensive specialist and Kailua, Hawaii native Mia Heirakuji of the beautiful weather she grew up with, as she adjusts to Philadelphia’s climate.