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What we can learn from Yoshi Tsutsugo’s 2020 season

When the Rays signed Hashimoto native Yoshi Tsutsugo to a two-year, $12 million dollar contract last offseason, there was plenty of cautious optimism about the move. Tsutsugo was fresh off a four-year stretch in the Nippon League in which he left the yard an average of 35 times a year while maintaining nearly a .300 batting average.

Under the assumption that the Nippon League is relatively equal to Triple-A, the Rays were excited to see what Yoshi could bring (and Rays Twitter personalities the world round were excited about the Yoshi gifs to come).

With the massive caveat that is needed for every 2020 analysis piece, Tsutsugo’s first season as a Ray was a bit of a disappointment—at least on the surface.