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Tyler Glasnow is a bona fide podcast darling

It can be a rare treat to find a baseball player who likes to talk. So often we here the same platitudes about “I’m just one part of the team” or “just want to go out there and win” where it feels like players were handed a script at the beginning of the year to use for answers when they can’t say what’s truly on their mind.

Tyler Glasnow does not have that issue, and his openness and candor has made him a popular guest this past week on several big-name baseball podcasts.

With contact limited at spring training sites for journalists, it seemed likely we would only get a few select soundbites everyone shared from the same team Zoom meetings, but Glasnow has gifted us with some incredible gems after two interviews this week, so let’s take a look at the highlights of his two biggest podcast appearances so far.