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Tampa Bay Rays: Jalen Beeks is changing it up in 2019

Since coming over to the Tampa Bay Rays at last season’s trade deadline, Jalen Beeks has been a major part of Kevin Cash’s plans. Totaling 76.1 IP since July 28th of last season, Beeks has provided the Rays with valuable innings as a “bulk” pitcher.

Across 50.2 total innings with the Red Sox and Rays last season, Beeks posted a 5.51 ERA, 4.64 FIP, and an 77 ERA+. Fast forward a season and Beeks has cut his earned run average in half while improving in nearly every statistical category.

How has he done it? Maybe, the 23 year old lefty attributes his newfound success to a slight change in his delivery…

Not the best CH, but I love watching how Jalen Beeks hides the ball.