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Here are all the awesome things the Rays did in 2020

Rays fans have now had almost a week to ruminate on the team’s loss in Game 6 of the World Series. It stung, and the ensuing (and I fear long-lasting) conversation regarding certain decisions in that game have been frustrating, mostly because this was such an amazing year to be a Rays fan.

Don’t believe me? Or do believe me but still stuck in a “Cash pulled Snell” rut anyway? Here’s a list of some of the best things to happen for Rays fans this year:

Not Ranked (because frankly it’s too important to be trivialized by a ranking): The Rays response in the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the ensuing increase in attention to the Black Lives Matter movement

The rest of this list will be focused on things the Rays did on the field, but arguably their most impressive moment came on June 2.