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The Crow’s Nest: A stolen tablet, a battle plan, and some Carl Nassib love

Cook's Bucs Battle Plan For The 2019 Offseason | Pewter Report
After a promising start to his head-coaching career with a 9-7 record during his first season leading the Buccaneers in 2016, back-to-back 5-11 campaigns ultimately cost Dirk Koetter his job.

Peyton Barber's tablet stolen, but Bucs say no concern over confidential information
Buccaneers running back Peyton Barber's team-issued tablet was stolen Saturday morning, but team officials say it was wiped clean of information remotely and only had scouting video on it.

Bucs act fast after thieves steal Peyton Barber's tablet
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers took fast action to disable potential access to their playbook when a player’s team-issued tablet was stolen from his.