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Is the Buccaneers’ hunt for a diamond in the rough wise?

Related Topics: Buccaneers, Todd Bowles

A focus on young, unproven football minds for Tampa’s OC position shouldn’t be seen as desperate.

Oftentimes, the greatest minds are hardly anointed as such from the get-go in any professional realm.

Albert Einstein wasn’t born as the chosen one of quantum physics, in fact it took him nearly a decade to even get a job in academia following his schooling. If you asked anyone what they thought of Einstein’s intellectual scope back in 1900, nobody would’ve advocated for the dissection of his brain to discover his genius. (This actually happened, I’m not exaggerating.)

Football isn’t quantum physics, and nobody will be literally picking Andy Reid’s gray matter for the perfect screen play, but the same logic has held for much of history: sometimes all the best coaches need is a chance to show what they’re capable of.