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Bucs embracing 'Hard Knocks,' not concerned with distractions

TAMPA, Fla. -- The Tampa Bay Buccaneers will appear on the HBO television series "Hard Knocks" for 2017, giving the Bucs rare national exposure that they haven't had for at least a decade.

"The whole world gets to see how great of an organization this is and see the great people that we have within the organization," quarterback Jameis Winston said. "We’re out there doing it for the fans, we’re out there doing it for the city, and 'Hard Knocks' -- they’ll just show the whole world."

It's an opportunity for fans around the league to get an up-close look at Winston, the former first overall draft pick, Heisman Trophy winner and the Bucs' passionate locker ]-room leader, who, despite zero trouble off the field since he got to Tampa, found himself at the center of controversy earlier this offseason because of comments made to an elementary school class.