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Callum McManaman admits he has mixed feelings over Wigan's historic FA Cup win in 2013: 'I always thought I'd be playing in these big games so, if I'm honest, it makes me a bit gutted'

FA Cup winners have traditionally woken up in a swanky London hotel with a hazy recollection of the night before. Not Callum McManaman.

Staring up at Everton wallpaper and surrounded by junior football trophies, Wigan's man-of-the-match was back in the bedroom of the red-brick terrace in which he had grown up on Merseyside.

'I was still living at my mum's,' says the 26-year-old, who had been the star man in Wigan's shock 1-0 victory over Manchester City 24 hours earlier.

Callum McManaman was Wigan's man-of-the-match in their FA Cup final win in 2013
Callum McManaman was Wigan's man-of-the-match in their FA Cup final win in 2013

'We couldn't stay in London because we had Arsenal away on the Tuesday and had to win to stay up.