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The price of a ballgame

Earlier this month, Busch Stadium unveiled its updated food prices for 2019 home games.

Your eyes aren’t deceiving you. That’s $5.25 for Doritos, $6.50 for a soda, $9.25 for your standard 16 ounce beer, $10 for a pretzel. $20.50 for two burger patties stuck between a bun with some fries. At a baseball game. (Thankfully Busch Stadium guests are allowed to bring some food and drink items of their own!)

Between tickets, parking, concessions, and everything in between, MLB attendance dipped four percent leaguewide in 2018 while six clubs set all-time lows. The annually published Team Marketing Report arrived at a 2019 Fan Cost Index (FCI)–”the price of four average weighted non-premium tickets combined with four sodas, four hot dogs, two beers and two souvenir caps, plus a parking spot”–of a whopping $234.