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Leonardo Bernal was the #12 prospect. Who is the #13 prospect?

I did not want to assume that Leonardo Bernal would win since 75% of the people didn’t vote for him for the #11 prospect, but I very well could have. He easily won the vote. We have returned to sort of a free-for-all as far as I see it with one player receiving 18%, one receiving 17%, and the rest under 10%. This puts the results, to date, looking like this:

  1. Jordan Walker
  2. Masyn Winn
  3. Tink Hence
  4. Gordon Graceffo
  5. Alec Burleson
  6. Ivan Herrera
  7. Cooper Hjerpe
  8. Matthew Liberatore
  9. Michael McGreevy
  10. Moises Gomez
  11. Joshua Baez
  12. Leonardo Bernal

When it came down to picking who to add to the vote it was really quite simple.