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Cardinals great Brock has part of leg amputated

A regular presence around Busch Stadium and at the Cardinals' Spring Training site in Jupiter, Fla., Brock was hospitalized "a couple of weeks ago," according to the newspaper. Doctors had to amputate the left leg just below the knee.

According to family spokespeople, Brock is already getting around with a walker and will be fitted with a prosthetic.

Even before concluding his record 19-year career, highlighted by his 118-steal season of 1974, Brock was immortalized as one of the great "steals" in baseball trading history.

On June 15, 1964, the Cardinals acquired him from the Chicago Cubs in exchange for right-hander Ernie Broglio; two other players on each side were included in that swap, but Brock and Broglio have always been remembered as the pillars of the lopsided deal.