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Vodafone Giants raises €3 million in funding round

Spanish organisation Vodafone Giants has closed its latest round of funding, raising €3 million (£2.7 million).

The investment comes solely from Sánchez Cózar Group, founded by José Antonio Sánchez Cózar.

Photo credit: Vodafone Giants

Vodafone Giants will use the funds to build its headquarters in its place of origin, Malaga, as well as to continue expanding internationally and “develop new products.” Cózar joins existing shareholders Gabriel Saenz de Buruaga, Alejandro Beltran, Luis Ferrandiz, and Lolito Fernández.

José Ramón Díaz, CEO of Vodafone Giants, spoke on the investment in a release: “Closing the highest round ever carried out by an esports club in Spain confirms the good health of our company.