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F1 2017 Game Release Includes Tobii Eye-Tracking Technology

There is a lot of visual information in the world we inhabit, and Tobii is on a mission to help us truly see everything out there, especially when it comes to gaming.

Having broken into the rapidly expanding esports industry, Tobii’s eye-tracking technology is now an integral part of the Formula 1 gaming experience with the newly released F1 2017. The popular racing game will allow players to see where their eyes are moving on the screen as they sprint towards the finish line.

One example of eye-tracking’s application within the F1 game is seen in turning, where eye-tracking can help the driver more fully see an upcoming curve and therefore be able to plot for optimal speed in and out of the turn—using the eye-tracker to ensure his gaze is on the “apex”—as Tobii game experience researcher Andrew Frank explained on Tobii’s blog.